Tablet Presentation

Each tablet contains:

Vitamins B play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism. A mineral is a chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life. Nutrient minerals, being elements, cannot be synthesized biochemically by living organisms and are required in specific biochemical function in the human body.


  • cell health
  • growth of red blood cells
  • energy levels
  • good eyesight
  • healthy brain function
  • good digestion
  • healthy appetite
  • proper nerve function
  • hormones and cholesterol production
  • cardiovascular health
  • muscle tone

Ingredient Description

Vitamin B1:

Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. It is a water soluble vitamin. It helps to convert carbohydrate into energy. It is essential vitamin for metabolism of glucose, and it plays a key role in nerve, muscle, and heart function. It is often called an anti-stress vitamin, it protects the immune system and helps to boost your mood.

Vitamin B2:

  • Helps convert food into energy.
  • Required for red blood cell production and growth.
  • Maintains the function of eyes, nervous system, and skin.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine:

Pyridoxine has been used to treats peripheral neuropathy caused by certain drugs such as isoniazid. It has also been used to treat certain genetic disorders such as xanthurenic aciduria, hyperoxaluria. It is one of the major vitamin required by red blood cells.

Vitamin B12/Methylcobalamin:

  • Helps keep the nervous system and red blood cells healthy
  • Required for the formation of red blood cells and DNA
  • Important for protein metabolism


Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 and is used to prevent and treat pellegra, as pellegra can cause diarrhea , loss of memory , redness and swelling, and peeling of the skin. Niacinamide is more often used rather than niacin because it causes lesser side effects (e.g., flushing). Unlike niacin, niacinamide does not help correct fat levels in the blood

Folic Acid:

Folic Acid is a type of B vitamin helps your body produce and maintain new cells, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. Folic acid is sometimes used in combination with other medications to treat pernicious, aplastic, or normocytic anaemia.


Needed for muscle, heart and digestive system health, builds bone and teeth’s, supports synthesis and function of blood cells.


It help is synthesis of more than 70 different enzymes. Zinc containing enzymes regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Zinc fastens wound healing; maintain normal growth rates, balance skin hydration and the senses of taste and smell. It assists normal growth and tissue repair. It boosts cell mediated immunity. It is poorly absorbed when given orally. Zinc is well distributed in tissues like skeletal muscle, skin, bone, pancreas, kidney, liver, retina, prostate, RBC, and WBC. Zinc is mainly excreted through intestine and only 2% loss in the urine.


It is the third most abundant essential trace mineral, and is required as cofactor for many proteins, iron utilization enhancer. Copper, along with amino and fatty acids as well as vitamins, are required for normal metabolic processes. It is well orally absorbed.

Side Effects

The product is possible safe for most adults. There is no disadvantage associated with the product if taken under the recommended usage however common side effects include Gas, constipation, loose stool, and loss of appetite sometimes happen, especially at the beginning of the regimen.
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